Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes! You can pause your subscription anytime, for up to one month.

    Please email us and let us know the date you want to start pausing your subscription and when you want it to resume.

    Subscriptions cannot be paused indefinitely. Thank you.

  • No. There’s some wiggle room. We always make sure your order is ready on your pick up day, but if you need to come a day or two after, that’s ok.

    Additionally, we may fill your order a day or two early if there is a storm in the forecast, but your mushrooms will always be fresh. 😃

    Once you a receive an email that your order is ready for pick up, you can come anytime during Anchorage Greens’ operating hours.

    Please check your name off the list to let us know you received your order.

    We appreciate you choosing a pick up day as it helps us coordinate our growing schedule and offer mushrooms to more of our community. Thank you!

  • Weekly subscription orders are ready within 7 days, on your pickup day.

    If you place an order for a weekly subscription on the same day that you request to be your pick up day, it may not be ready until the following week.

    Bi-weekly subscription orders are ready within 14 days, on your pickup day.

    After you place your subscription order, you receive an email confirming we received your order.

    You’ll receive another email when you first order is ready for pick up, and when all following subscription orders are ready and in the fridge for you at Anchorage Greens.

  • Orders for fresh mushrooms, tinctures, granules and powder are ready within 7 days.

    We email you a confirmation to let you know when it’s ready and in the fridge for you at Anchorage Greens.

    Then, you can stop by Anchorage Greens during their operating hours.

    You see our refrigerator when you walk in the door. Your order has your name on it. Enjoy!

  • Grey oyster mushrooms easily last more than a week in the refrigerator.

    Pink and golden oyster mushrooms must be eaten within 4-5 days.

    If your mushrooms are looking black or blue, do not consume them as it could be mold.

  • Nope! All mushroom orders are given to you clean and ready to prepare.

  • Our farm is not yet certified organic. However, our mushrooms are grown in a clean, sterile environment without using synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, or artificial flavors or colors. Our mushrooms are the real deal.

  • There are so many ways to enjoy our mushrooms. Check out our recipes page for all the details.

  • We are constantly growing new and delicious mushroom varieties and the contents of your bag will change accordingly.

    You’ll always receive $20 worth of our freshest, highest-quality Alaska mushrooms. Grown right here in Anchorage.

    Your bag always includes our signature oyster mushrooms.

    No matter which variety you receive, everything in your subscription bag is clean, edible, and delicious.

  • After you place an order in the shop, you’ll pick it up at Anchorage Greens.

    Visit our contact page for their store hours and location.

  • Not a chance. We only grow culinary mushrooms.

    Our lion’s mane mushrooms and tincture have brain health benefits, but none of our mushrooms are psychoactive or contain psychedelic properties.

  • Add a dropper full of our tincture to morning coffee or tea, or straight under your tongue.

  • Very!

    Oyster mushrooms contain anti-oxidants and tons of nutrients incluing fiber, protein, and Vitamin B12.

    They are low in calories, fat and carbohydrates and can even help boost your immunity.

  • Oyster mushrooms are soft and meaty with a slight earthy, sweet and umami flavor.

  • No. We have dozens of subscribers. To reduce handling and make it easier for you, you just need to grab any bag that says “Subscription.”

    Individual orders for fresh mushrooms or mushroom products will have a name on them. Thank you.